Monday, October 13, 2014

apparently I died for awhile

Not like in a coma, obviously, but in a vortex of chaos combined workpatientsplanningweddingthrowinghoneymoonhaving mass effect chaos.  BUT, I am on the other side.  The blissfully amazing, clear minded side of things where I sometimes can't fall asleep because I am thinking of all the crafting I can catch up on now, and all the books I can leisurely read on the couch wrapped in blankets and puppies.  I spent a whole weekend doing ANYTHING I WANTED.  Which is amazing.  I was thinking, hey, it's been like 2 1/2 years since I have turned my brain off from near constant stress, look at me!!! But then I was looking back at some blog posts and I realized, dear lord it has been much longer then 2 1/2 years.  Pre reqs? O Chem? GRE? Applications and interviews and moving?  It has been a miiiinute.

So, I apologize for all you faithful readers out there who I am sure have been hanging on the edge of your proverbial seats.  This has been my longest hiatus yet from bloglandia. I have got quite a lot to catch you up on, and though I am tempted to back date so that in the future everything lines up nicely.....well actually, writing that sentence out loud really appealed to my overly matured sense of order so I probably will do just that.  Keep your eye out, I shall be back soon.