Tuesday, September 22, 2009

rough around the edges, or how I settle in..

Here we have my closet; with ample storage, a lack of clothes (I don't know why I didn't think they wore clothes in Denver), and just enough red galoshes for all this rain we've been having!

My last bathroom was stripes so it had to be polka dots this time around..

First things first, Grandma's painting found a home, and of course my helmet came with me!

Here's my little kitchen, Pigeon's room with a view.

My tiny cot, banished to the corner. It is exactly as small as it looks.

In sum, after two days in the ol' homestead I am content to be living alone for the first time ever. I had First Apartment Coffee this morning and watched the rain from my window while I caught up with friends. Things are unpacked for the most part and even though it's a small place it's quite bare! My sights are set on a futon, a bookshelf, and some tables to round it out a bit. Rest assured that by the time I've got my first out of town visitors there will be places to sit! I'm sure the cot will suffice as a perfect guest bed, so don't worry about lodging..


Amanda said...

that apartment looks veeeerrry familiar. except ours had carpet. i'm glad you got it :D

elise said...

I think it's so funny that we have basically swapped lives! When y'all were living on poet's row I was living in Seward going to the U and now it's the opposite!