This second clue was a while in coming because of a few mishaps, lack of supplies and also because it basically gives it away. I was trying to figure out how to show it without showing it, but then Nora got the better of my sneakiness. She was ruminating in her dreams about costumes and what she should be. When she came to the scariest things she could think of, she thought about being one of these, and instantly knew what I was. Here are a few steps:

My mom got me this sweet little Elna when I moved away. Even I, in my lack of sewing knowledge, can wrangle this machine into producing things relatively close to what I had in mind.

With a lack of furniture, especially chairs, in my apartment, I used my darling red suitcase as a perch while I worked. Balanced on my bed it brought me to just the right level.

With two down and six to go, I think it was shaping up quite nicely. Yes that is the instruction manual in the background...putting the bobbin in was a process.

See what I mean about scariest thing? But where's the beak you say? It's coming, as well as eyes and suckers..all in due time!
:-) Brilliant !!!
i didn't know how you made the arms; so glad to have a picture, now i understand. it's pretty spectacular, my friend.
i need to comment again! as i looked back at the photo, i just have to tell you- that is the best costume EVER. it totally works the way you have it set up so it looks like you ARE the ____ (does everyone know at this point what it is?). what are you going to wear underneath? black?
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