Sunday, November 28, 2010
my awful secret
Okay, here is the truth of it. After this summer I was in amazing shape, the best shape of my life and most probably the best shape I will ever be in. I was tired of exercising, but I kept telling myself that I had a great baseline and all I would have to do is maintain so that my body would still be feeling fit and healthy. I biked the sixteen miles to and from school, and with the best of intentions I researched gyms near my new place and found one that would give me a super sweet unemployed-student discount. I paid for three months up front and happily trotted into the weight room and on to the treadmill. I actually did feel great, my lungs weren't as crappy as they usually are, and my legs were feeling strong. I was psyched that they even had a pool which the Y I used to belong to didn't! Hello only-two-miles-from-my-house-exercise-time!! Now here is the confession part: I have literally not stepped into that building a single time since then. NOT EVEN ONCE. After that run I basically haven't even moved. Oh my. Which is probably why, after dragging myself outside for a run this evening, I practically died from lack of being in shape. I can barely even stretch and touch my toes! Damn you b&b, I blame you for my complacency! I had to tell everyone so that I could shame myself back to the gym, so now you know my awful secret of neverexercisingatallever.
Friday, November 19, 2010
busy busy busy
This whole working thing is quite tiring! Yet another feeling that this summer got me good at functioning with? exhaustion. I sort of feel like my head is a giant balloon lately, and the words that come out of my mouth would do better to just stay in there for all the sense that they do not make. Outside of the tired adjusting period, work is actually going pretty well! It is A LOT of work, a lot to do and a lot of running around with eleven to twelve patients all needing different things, but I seem to be handling it relatively well I think. Now to just find a routine for the days in my life. I keep telling myself that I am young and it's only for a while and that it will all be worth it when I get accepted to a school and yadda yadda, but in truth working nights is quite a huge adjustment. I was recently trying to write a letter to Robby and it would only come out in list form, so in the interest of actually updating the world of how I am adjusting to my new life I am going to make a list for you too:
1. School is going really well! During this holiday break I am busy trying out figure out what classes will be the most beneficial for my applications next fall, and busy trying not to panic when the important ones are starting to look like microbiology, organic chemistry and genetics all at 5 credits a piece. Yikes! At least I will be settled into my job by then so that should help a bit. That and the fact that it will (hopefully) be my last semester of prereqs! That's been a long time in coming and I am more than ready.
2. I recently found out that part of my job includes cleaning and preparing recently deceased bodies if a patient dies during my shift. I was caught a bit off guard when they gave me the sheet of paper at 1:00am and told me that the guy from the morgue would be there within the hour.... talk about learning on the job! It was kind of crazy, absolutely strange but also weirdly commonplace. Or I guess I mean it was kind of just one thing on the long list of tasks that I had to do that night and it ended up just being something that I did in between turning people and answering call lights. At least I'll know for sure whether health care is the field for me!
3. My little brother is coming to visit!! First sibling to come to Colorado, and I am very, very excited! He will only be here for a few days while on his way to California, but I am planning some tasty meals and some photo documentation at the skatepark...that's for you mom!
1. School is going really well! During this holiday break I am busy trying out figure out what classes will be the most beneficial for my applications next fall, and busy trying not to panic when the important ones are starting to look like microbiology, organic chemistry and genetics all at 5 credits a piece. Yikes! At least I will be settled into my job by then so that should help a bit. That and the fact that it will (hopefully) be my last semester of prereqs! That's been a long time in coming and I am more than ready.
2. I recently found out that part of my job includes cleaning and preparing recently deceased bodies if a patient dies during my shift. I was caught a bit off guard when they gave me the sheet of paper at 1:00am and told me that the guy from the morgue would be there within the hour.... talk about learning on the job! It was kind of crazy, absolutely strange but also weirdly commonplace. Or I guess I mean it was kind of just one thing on the long list of tasks that I had to do that night and it ended up just being something that I did in between turning people and answering call lights. At least I'll know for sure whether health care is the field for me!
3. My little brother is coming to visit!! First sibling to come to Colorado, and I am very, very excited! He will only be here for a few days while on his way to California, but I am planning some tasty meals and some photo documentation at the skatepark...that's for you mom!
4. As chaotic as my life may seem, it is going along pretty well. It's nice to be busy at work again, and I do feel like I am learning a lot. If you can't seem to get ahold of me just know that it is probably because I am working while you are sleeping and sleeping while you are working. I try to squeeze in phone calls when I am on my way to work or (if I am not 100% brain dead) when I am driving home from work in the morning. If you are a Minnesotan though, I finally have my dates for Christmas!! I am hoping to zip to Minneapolis for a quick visit, but I am flying in to Duluth on the evening of the 25th and leaving in the evening of the 30th. I hope I can see you all!! In the mean time, here is the nerdiest picture of me from the past few weeks just to make you laugh:

In chem lab we made some small explosives!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
the fruit of our labor
Remember when I was in Lawrence, KS this summer in the ridiculous heat building a house? Well... the house was just recently finished! They had the dedication last week and sent us a photo so we could see what we helped to create. Here's the before shot of us busy putting up the outer and inner walls:

What better way to keep this summer in our hearts then by getting a photo like this? We did make a difference!
Monday, November 1, 2010
I really love Halloween. I just think it is so much fun, and people come up with such creative costumes! It's always been such a great time, and this year was no different. Although this might have been my first "adult" halloween in that I didn't really go out or do anything very special but stayed at home and greeted trick-or-treaters. For some reason kids in our neighborhood were really excited or just craving that sugar rush? I don't know why, but our first kids came to the door around 11:00am with no costumes on. It was weird. After a couple of groups came by with only a mask or a hastily put on crown I was getting pretty disappointed, grumbling about "kids these days..". BUT then a little boy waddled up to the door with a homemade Thomas the Tank Engine costume that had a train around him made out of cardboard and secured with suspenders. It was awesome. He (or his parents I suppose) redeemed my faith. After that we did get a lot of kids that were decked out, so many that we ran out of candy! Another one of my favorite things about the holiday is carving pumpkins. My parents just sent me a package and on the top of it was a picture of my mom, Micah and I carving a pumpkin together and I couldn't have been more than two or three, and I look pretty delighted! My problem is that I always have trouble squeezing in the time for carving, and this year was no different. After organizing a night where people came over for the sole purpose of carving pumpkins, I was somehow left with five untouched pumpkins and no jack-o-lanterns in sight. This was last weekend, so yesterday JP and I took them all outside and went at them full force. We each carved two and had a lot of fun doing it. JP went traditional and I kept with the animal theme of the past few years and carved an owl and an octopus that maybe looks kind of like a spider. Afterwards we roasted the seeds and (with inspiration from my brother) made some tasty enchiladas. Yum. It was a pretty great holiday. On to some pictures:

Hope you had an excellent holiday too!!
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