Saturday, November 5, 2011

long time coming

I haven't written on here anything about my dad's cancer for a number of reasons.  Mostly, I think, it's because when I think about it is just makes me cry, and I'm not sure where it would all go.  BUT, today I am making an exception, because he just finished his LAST round of chemo and is doing amazingly well.  I am so proud of him and my whole family for staying strong through this entire experience, and allowing cancer to once again be in our lives without destroying us.  It's hard to describe how we made it through both my mom's cancer and now my dad's, and I am grateful every day for the support I've felt from all of the people in my life.  There are a lot of unanswered questions still out there, but for now we are taking the time to celebrate his accomplishment and to look towards the future with hope.  I thought I would share a video of my dad singing, which he is always doing at some point in the day, from my cousin's wedding we went to back in October.  My brother Joe is on the mandolin and my cousin Liz is on the guitar.  This is one of my favorite songs, Annie and I used to listen to it on the Keepers soundtrack when we were little, and one that my dad and brother have done at more than one family gathering.  Fair warning that it might induce tears!  You can find it here.


LDT: Blog said...

Such wonderful news and such a touching video. I remember loving that CD and singing along with that song too. I've actually been seeking the keepers CD out for the little potato song for the girls but it's out of circulation and they don't seem to pop up used. I'm so happy for your family and always appreciate an excuse to get emotional! I have to find some outlet for all my post pregnancy hormones. Sending lots of love!

KAT said...

beautiful. Your dad has THE BEST smile ever. It shows in his whole face. Thank you for sharing.

kevdog said...

I think your Dad is a very lucky man to have such an amazing family, so many kind and supportive friends, a cancer that was caught early, good insurance and great medical care--so very much to be thankful for! And each day is a gift, ain't it! Thanks for your blog, I love reading it.

Nora said...

yep, tears were induced. such a sweet song sung so beautifully. thanks for sharing it and i'm so inspired by your dad's joyful spirit.