Thursday, April 26, 2012

scoot pursuit!

My brother Joe had his bicycle stolen right around the time we moved to town.  He spotted it in the Old Port chained to a sign, but when he returned with a bike lock of his own it was already gone!  We have all been on the look out for his red canondale ever since, but yesterday Emily and I took it to a new level.

After a few days of rain we finally had a windy, sunny day and we took to the streets scooter style!  It actually turned out to be the perfect mode of transport for stolen bicycle investigating.  It isn't too fast, you can quickly pull over just about anywhere and you look awesome while sleuthing around!  We rode around for about an hour without many bicycle sightings of any kind and decided we will have to reconvene once it is less windy and more consistently sunny.  Either way it was a great time!

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