My family came out for a week, and we rented a house out on Peaks Island. We rode the ferry out there in staggered groups as flights arrived, and settled into a perfect home complete with wood burning stove and plenty of holiday cheer!
Peaks Island is only 20 min by water from Portland, but really it feels like a different world at times. Island time applies even when you are moored in Maine apparently, life feels more relaxed and upbeat, allowing for ample nature exploration and appreciation that is sometimes hard to come by in the city. Without the convenience of easy access to grocery stores and restaurants, it's nice to settle in and really be present in the moment.
We tromped and explored, teased the pups, and tried out mom's spanking new slingshot (courtesy of one thoughtful JP).
New Years asleep by 10:00, exhausted from visitors and a long week in primary care. Ha! Really we are not very new yearsy people from the get go, so the decision to order pizza, drink a glass of champagne and turn in early was embraced fully once the pings (and text messages) of guilt were suppressed!
Oh, and in case you were counting, I did in fact recently turn 30. And I did it with a bang, in the form of the most ridiculous birthday party that I have ever experienced, complete with hairdresser AND photographer, coordinated by my amazing friend Niki. Here are three of my favorite shots, just to give you a little sample of the craziness...
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