Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a productive weekend

This blog is increasingly becoming a document-my-bike-life blog, but for now (and now and now and now until JUNE) that's what has become of my brain space other than chemistry and medical terminology which I think, and know from my textbooks, would be much more boring to read about so biking is what you get! This weekend I brought the bike in to get some clipless pedals and to have my bike fitted for me. I am realizing more and more that I am crossing over into an entirely new arena of bike life. I know bikes reasonably well I think. I can fix my bike when something goes wrong and can tinker around a bit to troubleshoot. I now know that I don't know anything about the kind of biking I am about to embrace. There are so many WORDS I don't know, and things about training and specialized gear and clothing and, and I can't even think of everything I don't know! It's a wonder I can even still pedal! I guess I'll just learn it bit by bit, just like everything else. The bit I learned yesterday, while I was skipping chemistry lecture shhhh it was sunny, was about clipping in and out. I figured I would probably tank onto my face once before the reality of clipping my feet onto my bike actually hit me. punny. BUT it wasn't so bad! I felt a lot stronger, like I was making the most of my energy, and, although it was weird to try to pull away and not have my foot follow suit, I think I am really going to like it! It also probably doesn't hurt that my bike shoes are super sweet and red. It should come as no surprise that I will once again be a flag.

In other exciting news I took my first two tests of the semester, and didn't choke! It's nice to get those first few out of the way, and even nicer to feel confident about them. I've got my first chemistry exam next Tuesday, so wish me luck!


Nora said...

how is being clipped in on this bike different than your fixed gear? also, you are such a test-acer!

elise said...

clipless is kind of a misnomer, but on this bike my shoes actually click in and can't be removed unless I unclip by kicking out my heel to the side..on my fixie it's basically just regular pedals. The idea is that you can use both the upward pull and the downward push to move yourself forward instead of just the downward push on my fixie. it's fun!