Wow this weekend went by so quickly! My celebratory Friday ride came in at.....drum roll please... FORTY MILES! I can now say this with exuberance because it was few days ago and my body is recovered. Directly afterwards I felt like I was a dead pile of aching body parts, I was white like a sheet (for some reason I hadn't eaten), wolfed down about five meals in a row and then passed out for an afternoon nap. I am quite proud of myself, for the distance not the wussy aftermath, but am now a little more worried about the trip of 4,000 miles which will start in just under two months from today. PHEW, it is TIRING to bike for so long, and as my dad can contest, it is quite hard to push against the wind. It is unforgivingly strong! BUT as my dad also pointed out, the next forty mile ride will be easier and the one after that will be even easier. Just gotta keep going! I would have snapped more pictures, it was gorgeous the first half of the ride, but the ride back was devoid of sun and filled with great gusts of wind which necessitated that I not stop ever so that the meager momentum I had worked up could keep me rolling forward to my warm shower and five meals worth of food. Here are a few though:

The trail I've been working away at follows the South Platte River, which has so many beautiful portions! It's hard to believe it runs so close to Denver it's like a different place altogether!

The bicycle that never complains, and a peek of the mountains in the background.

Pictures (from a cell phone no less) never do it justice, and the mountains seem so much closer in person then they do any case, they provide great scenery on these long rides!
This was the first Easter I can remember that I didn't spend with family, and one of the few spent away from the farm too. I was mostly excited to gorge myself on chocolate, my lenten forbidden food, and to spend the sunny day outside. JP and I took a motorcycle trip to Boulder where we had a mountain-side picnic with fresh fruit and cheese and of course chocolate! It was a really great way to spend the day, and although we didn't have the traditional ham or turkey we made do with a delicious shrimp dish that JP whipped together. Yummm.

It's a hard life, lounging by a mountain..

If my legs hadn't still felt like jelly-pile-of-ache maybe we would have made it further..
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