Friday, April 2, 2010

friday on a thursday

Is it maybe a little sad that when a day off comes around instead of thinking "sleeping in!" or "yay no work!" I instead plot out a bike ride with no time restrictions and gleefully plot the infinite number of miles that could be attained? Oh how life has progressed and how I have changed. The number of tomorrow miles is yet to be determined...denver weather is a fickle, fickle thing, and it IS JP's last, last, LAST day at his dreadful corporate mind-numb of a job so celebration is in order. I predict a spandex celebration of one in the morning (will 35 miles of celebrating do it?) and then a final coffee at his office in all of my bikey-sweaty glory. As a final Hurrah his boss is taking him out to lunch. Thus I will return home and embrace the shower which, let me tell you, has become my best friend ever for sore muscles and tired body parts after rides. If only it was consistently hot and not a sporadic sprinkling of intermittently ice cold, burning hot, hot, hot, ice cold drizzle, ice cold shooting burst of water, burn, cold, burn, cold...niiiiiiiice water.

1 comment:

Nora said...

remember that shower at rudy's house? that was the best showering place EVER. mine is okay. at least it doesn't smell like fish. HI YA.