Monday, December 13, 2010


Oh I am done, done, done with this semester! What started out as a fairly manageable schedule somehow turned into a crumbling, falling apart semester in the last few weeks of the term. BUT none of that matters now because I can't change any outcomes and for better or worse (oh chemistry final that I probably bombed with flying colors) it is FINISHED. I am so excited to finally take a breath without feeling like I should be studying or making note cards. I have today and tomorrow off from work and I am going to fill the days with making decorations, finishing shopping, sewing, crafting, cleaning and hanging out. I have been so close to the end for a while now, and now I am just going to enjoy the season. Incidentally we aren't even having many of the symptoms of the season, and although Minnesota got a dumping blizzard of a weekend, we are basking in a high of 62 today. I've been a little happy that the cold weather has been holding off because it makes my commute to school that much better, but now that the 16 mile round trip by bike or scoot has been eliminated I am hoping for some snow before I leave for home!

Our first and only "snow" of the season...

In other news, I feel like I am finally settling into a routine at work. I am confident now, and am making friends with my co workers! It's a really hard job, but I do feel like I am making a difference in these people's lives, and that makes me feel good. One of my favorite patients is such a delightful hilarious old man who makes me laugh all the time. He reminds me so much of what I imagine my dad would be like if he were in that situation, commenting on everything, making jokes, getting dressed up in ironic t-shirts (my favorite says "cow pi" with a picture of the pi symbol in cow print) truly enjoying every one's presence and making the best of the situation. But, I could ramble on about work for a while and I won't bore you with that any more than I already have. Outside of work I am very much looking forward to celebrating my birthday (how on earth am I already 26?!), going home for christmas on the 25th with JP in tow and going to NYC in January for a bike & build reunion! I am just feeling very content and blessed at this moment for a lot of reasons. Things seem to be going well for many people that I love, and I am so excited for them too! I am happy to bid good riddance to the fall semester of 2010 and am looking forward to being almost, ALMOST done with undergrad requirements altogether!


Nora said...

Yay for being done!!!! Also, I think it's really great that you are settling into your job. I love your description of the funny old guy and I think I speak for all your blog readers when I say we are not bored by your descriptions of your work. Bring it on!

KAT said...

Yeah you!! Another semester of hard work behind you! And your job. . . . I'm so excited to hear your stories and it makes me even more proud of you and the path you are taking. You are amazing at bridging the gap between science and humanity. It's fun to be along for the ride.

Oh, and I know you don't have much time in Minneapolis, BUT if you would like the Altman house to be a meeting place, we would be happy to host you and JP, and your family and all of your friends! Can't wait to see you, much love, k

Anonymous said...

Loving all of it! Glad the semester is done, work is going well and things are feeling blessed! I totally agree with Nora – I like the work descriptions. It’s nice to visualize exactly what this new job entails. Excited for you dear!