As you might already know, I'm not a valentine's day kind of girl. I think it's kind of silly, it annoys me that stores start packing themselves to the gills with cheap little red and pink trinkets starting in December, and I just hate that people feel so much pressure to conform to society....blah blah, this sounds like the rambling of a girl who never had a good experience on 2/14. But that's not true! I always get a very sweet package from my parents, this year featured not only two tasty organic fair-trade chocolate bars (mmm sea salt and almonds in dark chocolate!), but also some pine nuts from their co-op and some honey goat cheese. YUM. I've never had a "bad" valentine's experience that would account for my distaste of the day, it just seems like so much more fun to celebrate an anti-valentines day! By that I mean that I love to make anti cards which have ranged in various degrees of ridiculousness throughout the years, but are so much fun to create! Here is an example of one that Nora made for me back in 2007:

Isn't it great? You probably can't tell, but the skull actually pops out and is barfing hearts.
See what I mean about more fun? I like to make a real girly valentine and then have a giant dinosaur take a bite out of it, or an octopus wrap itself up in it. Some of them are pretty morbidly hilarious, but with quick digging through my desk the above valentine is the only one I could find. I made a few this year that were kind of uninspired in terms of wit, but I wanted to relax after my exams so I scheduled myself a little time to cut and paste some cards for my sister and Nora, as well as a real valentine for my mom and pop.

As you can see, lack of table space is a common occurrence in my life. What can I say, I just like to spread out!

While perhaps not my most inspired cards ever, I did at least excel in delivery and all three arrived the morning of the 14th so I think I get points for timing at the very least!
you get SO many points not only for timing but for actually sending your cards out. you rock, rock! i still have ideas stewing and will be getting one out there sometime soon. i wish i could post photos on your blog because i have one of your excellent anti-valentine's from a while back. it's an octopus and he used to be kind of a pop-out / pull tab kind of deal with a cat and then the card says, "love is... just one beak away from disaster!!" i love it! happy anti-valentine's day to you!
Oh my gosh I forgot about that one! Send a picture and I will post it on up!!
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