Friday, July 8, 2011

don't think I am forgetting

all the things I have been doing, and all the pictures I have been taking of those things that I have been doing! I am going for round two of the GRE on the 19th, in hopes that I can boost my score for the last time before they change the whole darn thing! Considering I will be free of sickness that causes me to cough and threaten to be kicked out of the place, and I will have banished my gutteral companion that hopped a ride home from Haiti with me, I think I will be in top form this time around. Woot. That said, I have to go get ready for night shift, and night studying, but here are some pictures of out little bayou a few blocks from our house where Oliver is learning to love the water...

I won't bore you with details on how proud I am of my little man and how big he is getting!

1 comment:

Nora said...

oh but he's just SO cute!!!!!! and he totally reminds me so much of darwin. how lovely! good luck on your second GRE! i think you will do tons better without dying of a cough and almost getting kicked out. you will totally rock it, lady!