Getting things set up on my desk and paging through my new books is making me excited for all the things I am going to learn in the near future. JP thinks I'm a little weird because even though I have spent most of my life in school, I still get nerdily excited for learning. It's true! Which is probably a great thing because in the medical field you have to commit to being basically a forever student, and loving to learn seems like an excellent prerequisite.

Adding to the list of my nerdery, is this cool copy of Gray's Anatomy that I found at the thrift store for only 89 cents! I know I will have anatomy coming out of my ears soon, but I couldn't resist buying this. It has 780 illustrations!
And last but not least is what I am currently studying. We have a medical terminology test the first week of class and I am not about to risk failing my first exam! I kept my textbook for just such a reason, and I had forgotten that there are flashcards in the back and an interactive cd! Woot! Flashcards are my best friends, and I am going to take them to the park with me right now.