Monday, August 20, 2012

coming to a close

My, the past ten days have just flown on by.  It's hard to believe that I am starting my second semester of PA school in just a few short hours.  (and yes, if you are looking at the time, my first day starts at 1:00 and is a measly 2 hour orientation lecture)  Gotta ease into the routine slowly I think!  I think I might be apprehensive about starting again, just because of how different my two worlds of school vs vacation have been.  The truth is, I'm not the best at vacationing.  HAHA.  It's sad, but so true.  I get too angst-y and micro-manage-y, which is ridiculous in many ways, but ten days was a good amount of time for me and my sanity I think.  It certainly helped that the weather was mostly gorgeous, that my family was in town, and that I finally got out on a ferry ride to a near by island.  Joy!  Apprehension notwithstanding, I am excited about school too!  The nerd in me prevails, and first days are always kind of fun with new binders ready, pens and pencils gathered.  Although, I didn't really have to gather anything, I filed away my notes from last semester in my filing cabinet on my second day of break, and my fully prepared backpack has been hanging in the office ready in case I needed to learn anything at a moments notice..

Pictures from the sibling visit were kind of sparse on my end, but here are a few we managed to capture:

 Micah found a skate park super close to my house, so we checked it out.

Emily's car died on the way to Portland, so Micah and I went to rescue her... then the rescue car died as well.  We made the most of the situation and sat in the trunk of the car waiting for the okay to get back on the road.

Cooking at Joe's house...for some reason this is the only picture I have of the four of us.

I guess technically, that statement isn't true.  To the right of me, waaaay back on the stage is Joe playing at the Saddleback Bluegrass Festival.

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