Friday, September 21, 2012

my first patient

Yesterday I met my first patient.  She was kind of the best first patient I could have ever asked for.  She lives in an independent living facility, is 96 years old and still sews.  In fact, she had sewn the very slacks she was wearing during our visit!  She warmed my heart, and overwhelmingly reminded me of my grandma.  Mostly she said she couldn't really complain too much (despite multiple medical problems that might hold a lot of people back), thought that people should really use their common sense more often, and said she must not have done too much that morning (aside from getting dressed, showered, ready for an appointment, making and eating breakfast, taking her meds, dusting her living room and raising the hem on her daughters skirt), because she hadn't even made her bed yet.  I told her I hadn't made mine yet either and she got a good kick out of that!

So you know what?  I think I can handle this whole patient thing.  I know I made some mistakes, and there were some questions we didn't get to or that I forgot to ask, but overall it went pretty well and really felt great!

She told my advisor that I was such a nice little girl and that I was doing a great job, but to be fair, to a 96 year old I probably still am a little girl.

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