Lately I have been trying really hard to squeeze everything in. I get to school early every morning so I can study for a few hours before class to decrease the amount of time I have to spend studying in the evenings when JP is around, I've been trying to sneak in christmas shopping online during breaks, and late on sunday nights I've been making pumpkin muffins to scarf during the week. Today is no exception, I had a presentation this morning on my patient and I finagled going first so I could leave early to take O to the vet. It went faster than I expected and so I got to pop home and give JP a ride to work with a pit stop at our favorite breakfast sandwich place Ono's. Mmmm. Now I have a short amount of time until I have to walk up the hill to the vet and so I shall squeeze in some pictures from thanksgiving break!!

And you know what? I am bummed that I was too busy to write a post of giving thanks, so I think I will shove it in here and hope that you aren't tired of hearing what people are thankful for! First off, JP and I decided to head off to Montreal for thanksgiving. Neither of us are huge into the holiday itself, and we really needed some time away from Portland and all that surrounds the day to day of work and school. We went Wednesday to Saturday so that we could get back in time for my brother's concert. It was such a great get away. We mostly just filled our time with wandering around, drinking coffee, looking at architecture and exploring the neighborhoods.

On thanksgiving day we ate arepas from a place I found while researching. Mmmm not necessarily traditional turkey day grub, but one of my favorite meals for sure. The best part is that it is all gluten free so I didn't have to dig around in the rattling-ly empty part of my brain that used to hold all the french I painstakingly learned during high school and college. Haha, not that I ever knew the french word for gluten, but still, ordering straight off the menu is a rarity for me! We played pool that night at a weird little second floor bar overlooking a main street, and had a great time.
JP was psyched to go to his first Chinatown, which was two blocks from our hotel, and then was subsequently disappointed when it was so small.
We went to the Cathedral de Notre Dame, and were so awed by the intricate and ornate architecture. We just sat in the pew for a while and took it all in. A beautiful place to reflect on how thankful we are for the people in our lives and the ability to take time away from our real lives and just explore a city.
We went to the science museum, which was unfortunately also being visited by what seemed like every school aged child in the vicinity. It was a little chaotic at times, but still great fun! I learned how to tie a mean knot!
The drive home was beautiful, with occasional sightings of snowflakes.
And what better way to toast the weekend than attending a concert hosted by my brother Joe. It was called Joe Walsh and Friends, and it was unbelievable. There was so much talent on stage, and such laughter and friendship between the musicians. It was just a treat to see, my parents got to watch it in Minnesota on the internet with a live stream! Joe often comments that he has never studied as hard as I do now, but watching him play it just made me think how we all dedicate ourselves to something wholeheartedly in different ways. He may not "study" per se, but he works tirelessly to perfect his craft, he practices every day and really strives to be better and better, and it comes through in his beautiful music. Such a gift to be able to support him and live just two blocks away!
In life right now I am so very thankful to be here in Maine studying medicine and really learning so many incredible things about the human body. The more I learn, the more I appreciate the health of my loved ones. There are so many things that can go wrong in a body, and I am grateful right now that there is so much health and vitality in many of the people I love. I am especially thankful this year to have two ridiculously strong, loving, amazing parents who have both come out of their struggles with cancer as changed people, with so much wisdom, faith, and if you can believe it, even more love to share with the world. I am thankful for the opportunity to live near two of my siblings, to be able to share these two years with them is such an unexpected opportunity for me, and I am so blessed by how welcome they have made me feel, and how continually supportive they have been, even when I miss phone calls and cancel dinner dates! I am so blessed to have such amazing friends and family, who surprise me everyday with their talents and love. And of course I would be remiss if I didn't give whole hearted thanks for my amazing partner JP who has really shone during this difficult year in his dedication, love, laughter and unending support. I would be such a different person if not for those that surround me with their love. So thank you for being in my life, I am truly grateful.