Thursday, July 11, 2013


This time last year I was cramming a ridiculous amount of immunology into what felt like a pea-sized brain.  In stead of that mess, I got to spend this year's festivities with JP, Joe, Emma and our pups.  Next to a lake!  Grilling foods!  Playing bocce ball!

My favorite part may have been introducing Oliver to fireworks though.  He was terrified and army crawled from me to JP to Joe, and dove head first into Joe's armpit to hide.  Joe wrapped himself around O like a protective straight jacket and together they rolled over to the wall and Joe let Oliver squish between him and the wall, covering his eyes with his arm, and letting him peak out occasionally.  It was the most adorable thing ever.  After the fireworks finished Oliver popped out as if to say, ain't no thing guys, I was just pretending. What a loon. 

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