Monday, October 7, 2013

whoa wedding

Remember that time eight months ago when we got engaged?  WELL, although it might not look like it to the naked eye, I have been working like crazy to find us a venue.  It was actually a sad moment when I realized that all the work I had been doing wasn't actually a tangible thing, and in the rest of the world where having something to show for all of your efforts is generally a good measure of the use of your time I was actually probably coming up negative for a while there.  When I arrived in MN and my mom mentioned that extended family was getting a little antsy pants for the date, I calmly invited her to partake in the ever growing joyous experience that was combing through the hundreds of summer camps out here in Maine.  Holy Man.  There are seriously an obscene amount of summer camps out round these parts.  Pretty much they all look like kid heaven too.  Summer camp in Maine seems like one of the best things.  And it's fitting that I have that opinion on the matter, because I finally, finally found THE place and we snapped it right up!  Summer camp weekend wedding time here we come! Well, in like a year.  Here we come, a long time from right now, after all of the seasons have passed over again. Get ready!

Edit: my mom just recently pointed out that perhaps, in the interest of planning, y'all might be interested in knowing what exactly our date is going to be.  September 27th, 2014. Put it in the books.

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