Tuesday, November 26, 2013

the southerners come north

Back in October, JP's family came for a week long visit to check out this new city we call home.  It was such a great feeling to be able to show off this beautiful place!  The weather complied, and they packed their schedule with lots of the fun things New England has to offer.  Unfortunately, my body didn't comply nearly as well as the weather, and I got food poisoning on the first night of their visit.  That knocked me down for most of the trip, but the last two days I was able to extract myself from my apartment and enjoy their company.

There are six lighthouses within 20 minutes of Portland, and we visited each of them in turn.  Stopping only for lobster rolls of course!

And speaking of lobster, I think Jim was the winner in that arena.  He made it a point to have lobster something every single day he was here.  He had quite the tastings, lobster is everywhere you look around here!  I don't blame him, JP and I were just talking about how we don't eat it enough considering where we are and how cheap it is!  We knew we needed to do it up right for his family though, and we boiled up six jumbo lobsters for dinner one night. They were a hit! 

Jessica was the photographer of the trip, she's been learning all the tips and tricks for her camera.  I haven't seen any of her pictures yet, but I am sure they turned out great.  New England is a gorgeous place for photos in the fall!  We have been searching for a photographer for the wedding, and I have been lamenting the fact that both of our sisters would get great shots, if only they weren't in the wedding party!

And that is the whirlwind sum up of their trip, a month and a half later.  I know you were waiting!  Next time I'm gonna steer clear of the salmonella so I can be assured of more visiting and documenting time, and maybe even a more timely post!

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