Monday, February 10, 2014

and I didn't even cry!

This morning there was lots of fresh snow on the ground and on my car.  I left the house with perfect timing, and then lost time clearing off my car, and lost a little more time when the highway speed limit was reduced form 65 to 45 for weather, but I arrived to my exam exactly 2 min early after nearly rear ending a prius.  My patient however was not as lucky, and since her car was in a snow bank, my exam was postponed until further notice.  NO NEED TO PANIC.  Although, after announcing to my professor (and subsequently high fiving him), that I would not be crying today, he did jokingly ask if I was carrying any weapons (to which I of course replied, only mace so if things go awry I can just spray you in the face and make a run for it...these are the moments I wish I had a filter).  Luckily he thought it was hilarious?

BUT my patient did arrive soon after the announcement, and hurried into her room to pretend to be another person with no past history of snowbanks and such.  Unfortunately, there was such a rush to get her settled, no one thought to give her the "findings" cards.  For example, when you listen to the lungs her lungs would sound clear, but if she was pretending to have asthma she might hand me a card that reads "wheezes at the bases bilaterally".  So, I breezed through my entire exam, skeptically content that some of the vitals must have been incorrect since everything had check out normal to my listening ears and prying fingers.  Normalcy thus inaccurately ascertained, I mapped out a bunch of things, walked her through my differential, and gave her referrals and follow up plans.  In all actuality it turned out pretty okay!  Well, I did for some reason momentarily forget that exam tables are able to rise higher off the ground than an inch, so instead of raising the table to an appropriate height, I just squatted awkwardly on the ground and let her legs precariously dangle drag on the floor during my cardiac examination....but that's small potatoes, right?  I don't recollect a check box for table height on the rubric, so phew.

End result = LAST OSCE DONE.  And that's enough for one day I think.  Check.  Check. Check.

Plus I got to have lunch with this handsome gent. I am winning today.

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