I had no idea of the world of hedgehog owners. It is an internet life rife with "Sonic's", "Quilly's" and "Spike's". People documenting with home videos of fifteen second clips in which only the owner could possibly tell what was going on. This world too has dancing icons, horrible ones that continuously run across the screen and change colors that no hedgehog will thankfully ever become. I came across advice such as how to decorate my hedgehog's cage that consisted of a fake bird feeder hung on the outside of the cage, a miniature welcome mat right near the door and a personalized plaque with the name of my hedgehog penned artful across it. You know, helpful since they are surely aware of not only themselves but also of the eating habits of winged animals they rarely see.
After a surprisingly dissapointing failure to secure a hedgehog from my local breeder last weekend, Carol and I have taken to moving our fake hedgehog around the cage, letting him play on the wheel, sip from the water bottle and nestle in his bed. Yes, I said fake hedgehog, and yes by mentioning that I suppose I risk falling directly into the category of owners that I so recently distanced myself from but hey, I'm not even an owner yet so don't jump to conclusions! I have a fake hedgehog that my dear friend Nora made for me as soon as I declared my desire to own one. It's the cutest thing, made of clay and paint and cotton and broken toothpicks. It used to sit in the window next to my favorite tree but in the wake of last weekend's disaster it has moved significantly up the totem pole of creatures in the household and now has a little home of its own.
I've hopefully come to a reasonable knowledge level by this point. Carol and I have come up with some DIY alternatives that will be fun to try. Currently our fake clay-and-toothpick little friend has a litter box crafted out of an old milk carton which seems to suit him (or her I suppose) just fine. We've big plans to be sure.
I feel like I should close with a hedgehog joke or haiku but I am sadly unprepared. Maybe next time.

1 comment:
you are awesome
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