The little one has come home and I DOTE. It's silly really, but I have never had a pet of my own for real and this one is a strange one to start with. Of course I couldn't get a hamster or a fish, those would just be too easy and too stress-free for the likes of Elise. I suppose I need this little pin cushion, maybe she will teach me to relax a little, although that has not proven to be the case. I feel like a new mom, utterly astonished that they let me walk out of the store with her in my hands, feeling completely unprepared even after all of my research. She is so cute, but I am not sure how many people would say the same thing. She pretends to be sleeping when she knows someone is in the room, burrowing into the corner in a manner that looks so uncomfortable. I am convinced she only stays that way just to pretend it is comfortable and scuttles into a different position the moment you leave the room. She sniffs everything, with her little pink nose that looks like a snout, head high in the air carrying her forward. She poops. All the time and on all things, mostly me, like she has saved up giant log of appreciation that she drops ever so gently onto my lap. She tries to scare you away by shaking and sort of growling, but once you pick her up her little face uncurls, her quills relax and her paws pad over you fingers. I have only had her home for six days so far and already she has cactus-ed her way into my heart.
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