Wednesday, September 28, 2011

things have been good

I've got an upcoming family wedding (last one this year I promise!) and my best friend Annie is coming to visit soon!!  I am so very excited to skip home for a quick weekend to see my family for another beautiful celebration, with dancing of course, and to show Annie my life in Denver.  She hasn't even met Oliver yet, and I can't wait to see what she thinks of my wild child.  If only she could bring her sweet pup as a carry on, they would have so much fun together... or just terrorize each other, but either way it would be amusing!  In any case, this picture is mostly for my parents, so they can see I'm doing well even though the semester has been a tough one so far.  I'm doing my best to keep on smiling!

Yin, Oliver and I just took a long walk and watched the sunset to end my weekend before heading back to work tomorrow.

1 comment:

peeps said...

And your parents love it...and love that they will see you in a few short days and at least one of them if not more will dance crazy with you!