Sunday, October 23, 2011

possibly the dorkiest thing ever, ever

Soooo, we share one car right now, and since JP works in Boulder he automatically gets it for those long commutes.  I scoot happily around balancing groceries precariously and moving around at a cool 30mph.  This has worked out really well for us, with the exception of a few things.  One of these things is that I can never take the dogs to the dog park on my scoot, and it gets dark so early here now that there just isn't any time for them to go!  Then I remembered bike trailers... and then I became obsessed with getting one and amping up my dorkyness.  There were a bunch on craigslist, but they were all pretty expensive and with my awesome skills at estimating, I wasn't even sure both pups would fit inside!  Luckily, goodwill came through for me again.  I was just browsing over piles of kids toys and underneath them I thought I saw a small tire.  Low and behold it was an InStep bicycle trailer!! Whaaa?  And only $35!  Our biggest problem was getting it in the car, but after that it was smooth sailing.  I pumped up the tires and they held air just fine (which was my only worry about buying it), I wiped it down to get rid of the cobweb-y debris, and snapped that thing on the back of my bike.

WOOOOOT.  It was pretty much amazing.  After settling the pups in back, which they kind of resisted a lot, they just cuddled together in a pile and were calm the entire trip, even when a dog passed us while at a stoplight.  That's pretty good!

It was so much fun!  I am so excited that it went so well, and now I can bring them out whenever I want!


KAT said...

That is hilarious! I love it, and apparently they do too! Well done.

LDT: Blog said...

love this!

Nora said...

oh, wowwwwwwwwwwwww! that's absolutely amazing, elise. you are a super star!! that photo of you and pups made my day.