Monday, May 28, 2012

closer and closer

Well, time has dwindled down and there is only ONE more day until I start PA school.  Holy Moly.  I have been dreaming of this day for a very, very long time and it has finally arrived!  We have two days of orientation and then two days of classes, so at least we will ease in slowly.  I say that now, but come next weekend I am sure I will already be knee deep in studying and preparation.  Luckily I have two dear Bike & Build friends coming for a quick visit, so I've got some fun to look forward to!  I really do feel as ready as I think I ever will be.  To prepare I have been:

1. Reviewing medical terminology, woo hoo?
2. Spending as much time as possible with my sister, who is moving on Tuesday during my first day of orientation!  We have been meeting for coffee, happy hour, scooter rides, goodwill trips, runs on MackWorth Island, and general sisterly times.  It has been AMAZING to live in the same city as her, and though I am super bummed it will be coming to an end all too soon, I am super excited for the gigantic graduation party we will co-host two years from now when we both finish grad school.  Get your party hats ready, it will be here before you know it!!
3. Finishing up the stray books I have been reading.  I know I won't have time to read them during school, and I probably won't remember a single thing about them once school is over, so it is now crunch time to finish my leisure reads!
4. Cooking with my siblings on the rare occasion we are all in town at the same time.  Mmmm we can really whip up some tasty food, and we take those opportunities as often as possible.  Last week we made a variation on shrimp gumbo and grits with cornbread, this morning we had a sort of huevos rancheros breakfast pile of tastiness and tonight I think we may grill in what just might be my first time ever grilling with my brother.  It's a good life!
5. I think that's about all that I have been doing aside from endless car stuff, boring old preparation stuff, and going to the gym.  All of which sucks up time but isn't exciting to do let alone hear about. 

So that's about it.  Tomorrow will come, and hopefully starting will help to relieve my anxiety in a way.  I'll let you know how week one goes, and feel free to direct all your positive energy my way!

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