Thursday, May 22, 2014

the side of the earth

Oh my word I have completely fallen off the side of the earth lately, and I am still hanging out there even as I type this.  I've got the things! and the updates! and the everything-excitement-received-my-masters-degree all of that just brew brewing over here.  But for this exact moment my life right now looks like this: wake up, drink coffee, walk pups, go to campus and study for seven hours, come home, walk the pups, eat, study for another hour, sleep.  Repeat.

SOCLOSESOCLOSESOCLOSE it's almost painful.  Six days.  SIX fricken days left until I fall into a non-stress induced coma, regain my life, and simultaneously celebrate how very veeeeery far I've come in the past two years.  That's right, I am going to simultaneously celebrate and be in a coma.  I can do that because I will be done and therefore unstoppable.  Except for the coma part.  Peeps, I will be back.  Soon.  But for now, game face. Love you.

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