Saturday, February 7, 2015

snowy day and snow days

One unexpectedly delightful thing to come out of working primary care is the ability for an office closure in the event of a blizzard, thus creating an adult snow day!  A lot of my friends practice hospital medicine, and that means they are always expected to show up for their shifts no matter the weather conditions, hospitals are never closed.  But, outpatient for the win finally!

We have been getting dumped on recently, Juno brought us two feet of snow in about a day and a half, and my office had the foresight to believe the weather predictions and close beforehand so I didn't even have to muscle my way to the office and back.  Instead JP and I hunkered down on the couch.  He worked from home, and I watched Downton Abbey while knitting next to the space heater.  Glorious.  In between episodes I got outside for a few blizzardy tromps in the fresh powdery snow with Liz, Amy, and Oliver.  We enjoyed the day much more than Oliver did unfortunately.

There were no cars on the roads so O was off leash trotting up and down checking things out, we saw people snowshoeing and skiing in the middle of the road, we even saw one girl who had seriously snowshoed to the gas station for two pints of Ben and Jerry's.  We are hard core around here.

And what were we venturing outdoors for?  Absolutely nothing expect for the thrill of running full speed and jumping into gigantic drifts of snow.  We had to go outside in shifts because it was so windy and bitterly cold, but also absolutely beautifully peaceful in the way only snow can bring about, shutting down the day to day working parts of a bustling city.

I know my in-laws think I am crazy, but I swear with the right gear it's actually exciting and fun!

JP, however, did not leave the house.  Last weekend in between storms we went to LLBean and got him geared up completely so now he has no excuse: new snow pants, jacket, and gloves, and a toasty scarf that I knit for him during the chaos.  

Last weekend my sister came to visit, and she brought Oliver a more appropriately sized vest.  We tested it out on a very windy walk around Mackworth Island, once again appreciating how gorgeous and how cold winter is around here.

We are bracing for some more snow starting later tonight and in to Monday, maybe another 8 inches? Welcome back to winter in New England.


kevdog said...

Great pics!! Almost like being there (ha ha)! I think you should knit Oliver some longjohns though.
Hope you have enough milk and eggs.

Unknown said...
