In other news of things in my life that are sorting themselves out, it turns out Colorado has some ridiculous rules (laws) in the way of cars that I never even thought about while living in Minnesota. The most pressing issue, which I was warned about, is parking. Oh parking, never have you been more frustrating! I live on capitol hill which is about as close to downtown Denver as you can get without living on the mall. This leads to a parking conundrum every. single. day. (and night!) If you are lucky and get home right before the evening hours you can usually find a spot relatively close (we're talking within two blocks). If you are unlucky, or simply return home from work at any time other then dusk, you have no choice but to circle around with all the other unluckys and hope something miraculous happens. Yes I just referred to getting a parking spot as being "miraculous". If you are one of the unluckys and also happen to be in a lesser known minority of parkers who don't have a parking permit yet, you my friend, get the added joy of moving your car every two hours (constant vigilance) or risk getting a $25 ticket. The meter maid people here drive around in these little jeepy cars and literally have a Ticket Stick, which allows them to slap a big yellow ticket onto your windshield without even getting out of their annoying jeepy little cars. OH THE INDIGNITY!! But, all of this is leading up to the fact that I am no longer in that little wedged between a sharp knife and a giagntic boulder of a minority...I officially have Colorado plates AND a parking permit good until 2014. I may never ever leave, but if I do, I know I will be able to come back here and park for longer than two hours at a time! Yeeehaw.

How about those bad boys, eh??!
1 comment:
YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! maybe you can share your secret vortex spot with one of the unluckys since you know how they feel..
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