Friday, May 14, 2010

who's birthday is it anyway?

Tomorrow is JP's birthday! and Annie's birthday! and (fun fact) also happens to be the day that I quit smoking two years ago! Anyway you cut it it is a day to be celebrated. I kinda also feel like it's my birthday, or early christmas, or just elise-gets-lots-of-fun-new-stuff day, because I have gotten a lot of fun new stuff in the past few days! First up, I finally bought my new camera and although it took a little while to track down, it is quite nice. Specs include 12.1 mega pixels, 4x zoom, and many other things that are awesome and about to be discovered by me.

In fact I used it to document my other new item (thanks to my ever supportive parents!) a new sleeping bag!! Yes I am dorking out over this. My last sleeping bag was a beautiful, red, cotton contraption lovingly sewn for me by my grandmother many years ago. As awesome as that bag was, especially when I was younger and hefting it around on hikes consisted of maybe 2 miles, it was time to invest in a light weight, compressible bag to bring with me on the road this summer. I settled on a North Face Cat's Meow, and it is of course the cat's meow indeed. Dork. I love it though, it has extra fleece at the feet, two pockets, a mummy layout, and it's blue! No blue has nothing to do with its functionality but a girl needs to branch out from red-everything once in a while, right? Along with the sleeping bag I got a thermarest to aide me in sleeping comfort, although if biking 100 miles doesn't knock me out I doubt an egg carton under me will really help all that much. I opted for one that doesn't blow up, the reviews raved about the comfort and size so I just went for it.

Lastly some of you might have heard of my dead-to-the-world iphone, and if any of you are iphone users you will understand what a travesty this was. I was kinda spoiled by my iphone in many ways, not the least of which because the amazing family I used to work for gave it to me, so it was rough trying to transition back to the real world. I know, boo hoo for me without my iphone but you get pretty dependent on them! In any case, problem solved. The new wonderful family that I work for replaced my broken phone with a new one as a going away present and I could not be more touched and thankful. I am whizzing by with a new 3GS and am pretty stoked about how fancy I am now!

Now that I can get picture messages (woo hooo!!) maybe it will help ease the transition as I move from days spent playing with the little bean to days spent biking and receiving pictures on my phone of her getting even bigger.


Nora said...

did jp take that sleeping bag photo or did your fancy new camera come with a levitation option?

elise said...

umm of course it levitates! HELLOOOOOOO TECHNOLOGY!!