Oh my word that was A LOT of work! I am finally, finally done moving after three days of cleaning and packing and prepping and lifting and...shaking? No shaking, but if we had, maybe some things would have broken and there would have been less to do! Did I mention that I live on the third floor in a building with no elevator and two sets of doors that require handle turning to get out?! I think one of the only good things about all of this work is that there is absolutely no energy left to feel sad about leaving my lovely little studio. Phew I will be happy to not have to trudge up those stairs even one more time. My dear, sweet boyfriend, who hates moving more than anyone I know, cleaned and gutted his studio apartment and made enough space to fit all of my crapola in it for the summer. Luckily he has huge closets and I haven't accumulated too many things since my one-car-load-with-room-for-Eric-Pigeon-and-me arrived in Colorado needing a place to live. All things considered his apartment is very full now! He also put his amazing stove cleaning skills to work, practically assuring that I get my full deposit back, for which I am forever grateful as I ALWAYS lose points on the cleanliness of the stove whenever I move. That said, I AM DONE (!) and I LEAVE IN ONE WEEK!! I can barely believe it, but my calender says so, my to-do list is finally starting to shrink the teeniest bit, and I am living out of the box that will be housing all of my belongings this summer so it must be true! I have a crazy amount of things to accomplish this week, too much to even list or think about for very long because it is overwhelming. Some things are getting done though, we booked a flight for JP to San Francisco this morning and I've got a return flight home now too. I tell you, it's a bit intimidating to book a one way flight home from the west coast and fly to the east coast to start. Now I better make it the whole way because I've got a flight to catch! I will leave you with some pictures before I crash so you don't feel left out from all the moving fun since many of you have helped me move at one point or another!

Practicing for next Halloween there Leonardo? We got the chair moving skills from my dad who moved this chair in the same fashion up those three flights of stairs during my parent's visit in October.

No room for unimportant things like a clear view of the road!

We ran out of boxes and in all seriousness moved everything from my fridge and freezer in this here glad bag, well aware of the fact that if the bag didn't hold we would be chasing popsicles, tamari and jalapenos down the hill...luckily we didn't have any casualties but you can see that it was a close one!
One of JP's now overly stuffed, but quite organized closets.

Way too tired to move anymore, but we had the perfect motivating solution...
Pizza and Beer! Real ones for JP and fake ones for me... I ordered him double pepperoni because the place that makes my pizza only does vegan or vegetarian options and I needed some greasy, bad-for-you goodness to end the day!
1 comment:
oh, elise, how i love your blog. thanks for writing! i felt like i was there with your move without having to lift a finger except now to type. and as i type i'm eating pizza so it's even moreso like i'm really there. good job moving. now to limbo for a bit!
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