Hello hello again. I have access to a real computer today, which is kinda exciting! We rolled in to Chambersburg, PA late this afternoon after a humid day of rolling farm land. Forgive me if this post is a random pile of thoughts, but B&B lends itself to that kind of thought process. The days jumble together to the point that it is hard to recall what city/church/place we stayed in the night before, and all of the climbs/descents/flats become one long long memory. The trip has been so great, lots of hard work and I have never been so tired in my life. Once we get to our destination we are like the living dead, showering and scarfing down ridiculous amounts of food and then passing out in the middle of a crowded room with lights and music going on around us. Or at least that's what I do most of the time. My ability to sleep anywhere has reached new heights entirely, thanks in part to my sister's idea of wearing a sleep mask over my eyes. It's like a magic light switch and I love it. I've never been so sore in my life either, I can feel every one of the muscles in my lower body and stretching has never felt so good. We are gradually shifting into a routine which goes loosely like this: wake up at 5:00, pack our totes, load the trailer, spandex it up and eat breakfast around 6:00. At just about 7:00 we gather in front of the church and go over the days route, getting our cue sheets that have the mileage, turn by turn directions and phone numbers for the sweep riders and the van driver. After that we all shove off and spread out, riding in various sized groups until lunch which is generally at about mile 30-35ish. At lunch we eat and eat and eat, sandwiches and leftovers and anything else that has been jammed into the coolers. We gradually leave lunch and usually get to the host site at about 4 or so. It's nice to have a routine, and it works best for me when I don't think much further than the next step. Certainly when I wake up I don't think about getting to San Francisco, I just think getting to breakfast. After starting I think biking to lunch and after lunch I think biking to my thermarest. Taking it one day at a time and one hill at a time makes every ride manageable. I still can not believe it's been such a short amount of time since we started, we have done so much and come so far already! The whole group wasted no time settling into a comfortable place together and we have had conversations on the side of the road or in the aisles of CVS while looking for diaper rash cream that I never thought I would have. It's been great. Tomorrow is a build day here in Chambersburg which translates roughly to a day off for us. We build at a local affordable housing place, habitat for humanity much of the time, but it's nice to give our butts a break and stay in place for more then one night. Tonight we are super spoiled, staying at a cold weather homeless shelter of all places, and each get a bed to sleep on! Hooray! After days and days of thermarest floor sleeping, it will be nice to have a little more cushion and a real pillow. Let's see, what else? I can't believe I am ACTUALLY biking across the country and will be in Ohio by Sunday. Crazy crazy. In any case, here are a few pictures for you but I can't figure out how to rearrange them or write anything below them on this computer so a brief explanation of them goes like this: 1. Taking a break to snap a few pictures on the side of the road. 2. Rocking chairs at the country store on the side of the road where we stopped to get ice for the camel backs about 14 miles from Chambersburg. 3. and 4. Our trailer that we painted in Stroudsburg and 5. We crossed into New Jersey and Pennsylvania in one day a few days back but there was only a sign for PA. Hope you are all doing well in the real world!

i like that one of your labels for this post is "TIRED." i wonder if that will be every post label for a while?!
i LOVE the trailer you guys painted. it's super super awesome!!
so excited to hear more, you guys are learning so much about yourselves and the world and everything!! i can't believe what you do in the time i do; i'm like, "well, today i worked and also ate some food and slept and did some homework. hmm, i wonder what elise and rudy and their fellow b&b's are up to? OH WAIT, THEY JUST CROSSED A BUNCH OF STATES. ON THEIR BICYCLES!!!
you guys are awesome. i'm so excited to learn some of what you have learned about life!
super super super awesome! keep up the good work, what's is like to coast down a mountain? or at all?
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