Oh guys, I made it!! I made it to the end of my exams (for the moment, and yes you can ask me how I did on the hardest organic chemistry exam in the world ((I GOT A B! In your face extremely hard class that makes me question my choice of future career!)), to the end of work for a while and almost, almost to spring break! This year for spring break we dabbled a bit thinking maybe a road trip to Utah, or some time in Minneapolis (I haven't seen Kathy's new kitchen OR Annie's new house!), my parents were thinking a trip to P-town to visit Joe and Em would be nice, but in the end it is ME that gets to be the proud host to my family!! In less than ONE WEEK my favorite sister in the world is coming here and just over a week until my parents arrive too! I can not tell you how excited I am for this, I've got a whole bunch of fun things planned and since this is one of Emily's first times to Colorado I can't wait to show off the state that I call home now! Holy exclamation points, eh? In all the excitement I wanted to show you some pictures of us so you can get a little taste of how much fun we have together, and why I can barely contain myself with the glee of it all! (Can people still use that word now that there's a whole t.v. show taking over the connotation?) But then I remembered that I only have pictures dating back to 2009 on this beast of a computer, most of which you have probably seen. So instead I'll just have to post some after she comes here, and if I find any on the meantime I will slap them right up here for your viewing pleasure.
In other news for the giddy exciting department, also in the dorky department but isn't most everything I write about here classified there? You might know that I am a sucker for Pyrex. Seriously a sucker, and the goodwill by my house (just a scoot away!) always has at least one piece if not multiple pieces. It takes a lot of self control to not buy every single piece I find there, but today I walked away with three and even left three sitting on the shelf for some other pyrex-loving girl to happen upon. Here they are in all their just cleaned glory:

And lastly, I got a letter from my dear sister yesterday expressing how excited she was for her visit that is oh so soon. Secretly I got a sneak peek of the card from
here, but I waited patiently for her to slap a stamp on it and it came yesterday! This is how people in Vietnam would greet us, mixing up the words, but accidentally delivering an even more charming hello:
1 comment:
ohhh how much i love all the things on this posting! you and your rocking of school. such a smarty-pants, i say!
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