Sunday, March 20, 2011

vegas, vegas

I would show you some pictures from our trip to Vegas, but my dear phone on which I document most everything took a two hour swim in a fake Italian river while we were there so I am left with nothing to document our trip. Which, surprisingly, is ok besides the phone dying part, that part was not ok. I realized what I already knew, Vegas is not for me. You might be thinking but Elise! There are millions of drunken stumbling people there! They will probably be yelling in your face and/or telling you of all the fantastic deals you can get on strippers! And people of all ages gambling at all hours of the day and night! And incredibly expensive drinks and food! And every single person you see will be littering! Aren't those all things that you love?! Well, you've got me there...oh wait. I would HATE Vegas! Now I can fully realize my distaste for the entire state of Nevada. Remember how awful it was for you to live vicariously through me while I was biking there? Shudder. I can't believe I even went back! Fortunately the main reason I returned was for a wedding, and it was a great time. We were proud to be there for our friends Jeremy and Karyn as they got married. The setting was gorgeous, and food delicious and the dancing was the best. If any of you are thinking of getting married in Vegas, I will gladly come, but I will only enjoy the part where you tie the knot, and not a minute more.

1 comment:

Nora said...

i'm glad you posted about vegas; i feel disconnected from you without being able to communicate via phone. i trust you are getting a new one soon, yes?!