Monday, November 10, 2014

fall back

This year is the first year that the fall time change has hit me so starkly.  It's like a blanket at the end of my day.  Maybe it's because I have daily routine now.  And that routine for me means early dark and evening dark.  I don't even remember how I've not noticed this so much before.  It is SO DARK, before I even leave the office.  Honestly the first day back after the time change I almost didn't know my way home because I had never driven in Buxton without sunlight.  It was bizarre.  Even this exact moment, I feel like I am staying up past my bedtime and it's only 6:30.

It's gonna be a looong winter I think.  Although, knock on everything, but Maine has been holding steady thus far in the weather department.  We had just a few sprinkles of snow and a day or two of pretty chilly, but for the most part it's been nicely bundled weather. Which, given that it happens to be almost thanksgiving, isn't too bad all things considered.

This weekend I am taking JP on his very first trip to NYC.  I'm really excited! Joe and Em and Emma are coming too, which is especially nice because they know a lot more about the workings of the city than I do. We've got museum plans, park plans, arepa plans, and sightseeing plans.  I'm excited to leave Portland for a few days, it's always nice to be somewhere different, and nice to come back to the comforts of home after adventuring.  Should be good!

Now here's a Buxton sunrise for you to enjoy:

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