Sunday, November 2, 2014

this is halloween, halloween, halloween

Ok, before I back date and rewind through my life the past few months, I was going to get in one sneak peak Halloween post, but I was late to the game on that front too!  As you may know, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  I absolutely love making costumes.  I realize that it’s time consuming, and doesn’t really serve much purpose other than the sheer delight of it all, but sometimes that is exactly enough to make it worthwhile.  Luckily, I have discovered that a few of my friends here share this same costume love as well.  So naturally we had a big crafting day two weekends ago.

Liz, Julie, and Patrick came over and we busted out the sewing machine and paper goods to make a glorious mess.  Although the men folk lost interest about ten minutes in, and slunk out back to play video games,  Julie and I stayed to the bitter end stopping only once we realized that the sun had gone down and we needed to put food in our bodies.

Ok, this all leads me to the point of this all, which was supposed to be a sneak peak of my costume this year, but since I am clearly late to that party, I shall just show you the makings of and the final product.  Next year you can guess!

Our spectacular finished products in action: Pineapple and Christmas Tree, Medusa and Poseidon, and The Ocean!

And now, an extra special bonus section for all you baby loving fools out there.  Can you even handle these two adorable little ones?!! I can't.

Way too adorable.  And that was basically our Halloween in a nutshell!

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