We got caught in a crazy lightening storm about 17 miles into a 101 miles day. Luckily we were all pretty close together and there happend to be a cafe just before the climb started. We all piled in and occupied every seat and table. We got to eat real breafast and play cards while we waited out the storm. It was Zach's birthday too so we sang to him and hung out for more then an hour. Once the sky started to clear up we tried to head out, but were quickly sent back to the cafe because of another storm rolling in. We passed the next few hours dancing on the sidewalk and taking dumb pictures. It was such a fun morning!

Lunch was only at mile 35, but the headwind was so intense that we were all crabby from exertion and hunger by the time we made it there. A nap was in order before finishing the last 6 miles of the mountain we were climbing.

We were also climbing a mountain with a road that was freshly tarred, and a some of us were lucky enough to catch a ride past one mile of oiled road with a friendly construction worker.

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